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I had the flu last week (thanks to my 6 year old) and currently have a sinus infection and vomiting. I haven’t been able to keep down much in terms of fluids and I’m worried I’m dehydrated. I don’t think I have a stomach bug, because I’d be vomiting a lot more (I’ve only gotten sick 3 times today total).

How do you know when you’re dehydrated? I think my vomiting is coming from my migraine, which is coming from my sinus infection. I’m not sure though. Not keeping anything down.

Ny gastro had told me if I ever get the norovirus to let her know asap bc I could potentially get really sick and dehydrated if I have diarrhea and vomiting. I’m not sure what’s wrong with me or how to determine this.

I do have an appt with my primary care for something misc tomorrow so I’m trying to just hold out until then…

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If your urine output becomes low and concentrated in color, you are dehydrated. Later symptoms are low blood pressure, dizziness, and even altered level of consciousness. But, you do not want to wait for it to get to that point.

To stay hydrated when you are nauseated, you need to sip small amounts frequently. Whatever does not trigger more nausea. If you truly cannot keep fluids down, you need IV hydration.

If this is a norovirus, the good news is that it is swift and only lasts a few days.

Oh, and call your primary doc’s office. They may not want you in the regular office area if you are contageous.

Take care!


Last edited by Jan Dollar


I had a stomach bug a couple years ago. Diarrhea and vomiting. I tried to drink small sips of water or Gatorade. Popsicles. I started having muscle cramping in my calves and feet, then my hands. That’s when I went to the ER and was there for 2 days getting IV fluids.

Don’t wait! Go. Our systems are different. Take care.

Lucidly the vomiting has subsided and no cramps like that Mrs P. I do feel very run down and tired and almost like I can’t stand for more than a few minutes at a time. Not eating much- down about 7 lbs when I weighed myself yesterday. I think I might have taken in 30 oz or so yesterday. Will try for more today. Just back in bed…

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