Thanks - oh gosh - I often think that I have SIBO - I just never knew there was a name for it. For me I think yogurt helps. I know avoiding sugar is good. I know I can't eat raw veggies in any great quantity. etc. etc. - Is this something that can be tested?
I need to make my appointment for my scope - I want to ask my GI about it. I'm one of those people who for years just shut up and didn't complain. Felt sick a lot, worked anyway. (Unless I had a surgery or a bowel blockage or something). But I'm 52 now and I know I am going to have to try harder to reach out for help from doctors in order to continue to cope. I got so depressed just living with this that I sort of just gave up. Not totally, but quit work, stay home a lot, etc. - and found ways to stay busy at home. My poor husband has been great about it.
I guess I need to do what I used to tell everyone to do all those years I was a counselor - advocate for myself, get out and get help, don't give up , etc. - just being on this forum for 2 hours tonight gave me some hope that I need to take a more active role in trying to deal with this old j pouch! Thank you so much. It helps not to feel alone. I think I did my math incorrectly in an earlier - I was 23 when I got the pouch - I'm 52 - so it's been 29 years. Good grief - how did that happen?
I used to be sharp and thought of myself as pretty intelligent - high scores, high IQ, etc. - and now I just feel like I don't know much at all. I guess that's wisdom...knowing how little you knew in the first place.