Hi all! I have a question and need some expert opinions. Jeffrey as an appointment with Dr. dietz in June. We wanted to see him rather than dr. Remzi because I understand he is a good fix it guy. Redoing Jeff's j-pouch is not an option, he doesn't have enough small intestine. Here is my issue. Dr. Dietz was to do exploritary surgery on Jeffrey. I'm not sure what he expects to see or find. My surgeon has said that the mirco tear in Jeffrey's pouch is in the back of his pouch and well down into his pelvic area. You can't see anything! My concerns are this. 1. We are just getting him off narcotics that he has been on since Sept. And he is having a really tough time of it. 2. I don't want him open just so you can poke around. 3. Jeffrey makes a lot of adhesions and opening him up again will only make more. 4. Jeffrey does not do well after surgery, any surgery and they would not keep him overnight. For the past 3 surgeries, the least amount of time he was in the hospital was 5 days. And then either getting on a plane or taking a 10 drive home does not sound like fun to me.
Am I wrong to want to cancel this appointment and perhaps put it off until Sept/October when Jeffrey would be better ready for take down? If the fistulia is gone. Or if it is not, then do a repair. I know my surgeon spoke to Dr. dietz because they gave me the phone call notes. It was all kind of left in the air. And I can't get ahold of any one in Dietz's office. I can't see doing this essential for nothing. I'm worried about the narcotics and just think going out there when there is something to be accomplished would be a better option.