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I changed my diet totally and shocked at the results. I’ve almost completely eliminated sugar, only have a little in my creamer for my coffee. And I’m following a low-carb diet. I do incorporate some fruits and my veggie intake is microgreens. I’ve reduced my steroid use to one pill a day and haven’t had to take any other medication. I’m hoping to be off the steroid by the end of the month. Unfortunately Skyrizi was a bust.

I was always told to eat carbs for my J pouch, maybe way back when before all the chemicals and pesticides but now I ate a little bit of rice the other day I was so bloated and had terrible gas. If I feel like I need a carb I have some quinoa.

But I must say three weeks on this low carb low sugar diet and I feel wonderful. I have so much energy. I wish I would’ve figured this out way back when, may have saved me taking the steroid.

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