Do you have a suggestion for a holistic health practitioner in the SF Bay Area? Ideally, I'd like to work with someone, be it medical doctor who supports integrated approaches or an alternative practitioner who has worked with other jpouch clients and understands anatomy thoroughly, as I heal from a recent emergency surgery (two weeks ago, on 27 August 12).
In short format, I developed an obstruction near the site of my former ostomy, which resulted in the removal of four to five inches of small intestine. Lucky me, it seems I am prone to scar tissue accumulation! I want to work with someone - not my dear surgeon who has supported me through four surgeries and numerous hospitalizations - who can assist me in monitoring my health moving forward.
I am optimistic in the wake of my last surgery, as my pouch is healthy and I am already walking multiple miles a day with limited pain medicine. Still, I am hoping to find someone who can assist me in making good choices about diet, exercise, and other forms of healing and good health maintenance.
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