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What kind of a doctor do you have? Is this a GI or a surgeon? Anal sex is usually not recommended, and in this document it says “prohibited”.

Your fiancé does not sound like a person who would stick around if you were to go back to an ileostomy. No possibility of anal sex with a Barbie Butt. This sounds like a great test for finding a good husband. If he dumps you because you don’t want to have anal sex with him -with a j-pouch!!- then it is great news! You won’t spend your years or even decades with a person that is not right for you. Many people with colons are not interested in anal sex, and the same husband-fitness-test also applies to them. But in your case, it is a test that you cannot waive. Your future husband has to pass that test, and your fiancé fails it. If I were you, I would dump him even for wanting to try it.

@Former Member

Who hurt you? Those are bold assumptions lol. My fiancé definitely wouldn’t leave me if I ended up with a ileostomy, we talked extensively about the risks and pros vs cons. We just like experimenting and this is something he wanted to try, he’s not forcing me or pushing me to it. I willingly want to do it, since it’s something I enjoyed before my surgery. He passes every test because our relationship is more than just sex, and he’s been there through thick and thin. Don’t project your insecurities or relationship trauma onto others.

and just to answer your question he’s a GI. Would ask my surgeon but he passed of old age about 5 years ago

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