Hi there,
I've been battling issues that started on 12/12/12 (the day that will go down in infamy for me). Found a perianal bump, that long story short was misdiagnosed, WAS an abscess, and I went through all kinds of time that was just a bunch of waiting when we should have been acting.
This took me back finally to my old J pouch surgeon (who did my surgery 22 years ago!). HE correctly diagnosed me with a fistula (confirmed by pelvic MRI). This whole issue probably was set off by me developing pouchitis before the bump began (lots of bathroom time straining, etc. The only thing the first surgeon did correctly was put me on Cipro for a month after he had a scope performed on me and saw apthous ulcers in my pouch (I'm allergic to Flagyl). I think I've been living with low-level pouchitis for a long time, but just grew used to it. I hadn't felt well in a long time, but couldn't put my finger on why... and now I'm pretty sure that was why.
I had a draining seton placed on 3/27 by my original surgeon, and it's not HORRIBLE, but it's not GREAT, either. Of course it's only been a few days since it was put in. While in surgery, he also scoped my pouch and said it look really good, so I'm guessing the Cipro did the trick. I'm back on a week's worth of it post drain placement.
Has anyone had personal experience with a seton? I had my surgery 22 years ago for Ulcerative Colitis, I've had extremely minimal issues over all of those years, and my doctor isn't really mega-interested in pursuing a Crohn's diagnosis at this time. I asked about when the seton would maybe be something he'd consider removing, and all he said was, "Well, some people wear dentures. A seton is probably better than dentures!" which he didn't mean to sound flippant, but he's just being non-committal about it all, since I guess you really don't know til you get into it what the time frame will be for any specific person.
I'm just looking for any tips anyone can offer on how to deal with the drain. I've been doing Sitz baths after BMs, but can't imagine doing this forever (I work as a critical care nurse... this is not going to be easy to do on a 12 hour work day!) Just anything anyone offer as advice would be awesome. I've read some things on Crohn's sites, and that's all good, but so many of those folks are, like, REALLY sick, and their issues are so much more intense than mine, with needing biologics, etc. for fistulizing Crohn's, sometimes with multiple setons.
Any tips? I'm trying to lay off the opioids (today was my first day without any), because I can't function on them! I've even been only taking a half of a Norco twice a day, and it's STILL too much! And I don't take Motrin, because of the issues I've read about them and J pouches.
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