I'm interested in trying a supplement called serrapeptase.
I've had a j-pouch for about 17 years during which time I've done (and continue to do) very heavy weightlifting. Although I haven't had any j-pouch related issues for the last 14 years, I have had alot of injuries over the years. I'm considering trying serrapeptase to help with joint-pain and stiffness.
I've read that it is extremely effective at breaking up scar tissue. However I'm not sure if this would have any effect on the construction of a j-pouch. Are the areas that have been sewn or stapled together held together by "scar tissue" and could this enzyme actually weaken the j-pouch? It may be a silly thought but I figured I'd check here to see if anyone else with a j-pouch has taken or takes serrapeptase...and if so if they've noticed any detrimental effects.
Thanks for any answer/advise!