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I recently had a j-pouch revision surgery with temporary loop ileo (June) with Dr. Remzi at Cleveland Clinic. The surgery was very successful and I'm excited to give my new pouch a whirl. I am due to have takedown at the end of September, but Dr. Remzi is transitioning to NYU and I haven't been able to schedule it yet. I have been in touch with Dr. Remzi and told him weeks ago that I would like to have it done last of September or first week in October; beyond that and I'm getting into holidays, my daughter's birthday, etc and I'm just not willing to ruin everyone's holidays (mine included) by being out of town for surgery and recovery, right after messing up the whole summer with surgery stuff. NYU is currently telling me they don't have a date for me but they will try to get me in "this fall," and "thank you for your patience." I need plane tickets, hotel reservations, my husband needs to take off work, my mom needs to coordinate care for my terminally ill father so she can come help... It's getting to the point where I won't be able to pull all that off if I don't schedule ASAP. And I don't want to wait and wait only to find out that they can't even schedule me until the middle of November. 

So now I'm wondering how bad it would be to just schedule my takedown with a local surgeon. I love Dr. Remzi and he has taken excellent care of me. I know he likes to finish his own pouch jobs, and I am very inclined to let him as he took a very bad pouch situation and turned it into an apparent success. But I am so ready to just get this done, and I can't help but wonder if my local surgeon wouldn't be perfectly capable of closing a stoma without issue. Waiting longer will be an enormous inconvenience, not to mention the immense added expense of traveling to NYC to have it done, in addition to the potential additional expense of a fresh new deductible if I end up waiting until the new year. I've just been counting on Remzi to finish the job and I'm nervous to let myself into anyone else's hands at this point. 

Any thoughts would be appreciated, thanks. 

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Well, I have a happy update, I contacted Dr. Remzi personally (he provided his transitioning patients with his cell number-!!!) and he gave me a date in early October! He feels strongly that I come to him for the closure. He said to call him back if I haven't heard from the NYU people by tomorrow. Love him so much! So, please disregard the previous question. And wish me luck!  

Hi there- I am in somewhat similar situation, but I am not waiting a surgical procedure (which is important to have someone you trust and know).  I think persistence would keep paying off with NYU, meaning weekly phone calls to see if you can be scheduled?  My own personal thoughts since Dr. Remzi is an excellent surgeon? I would stay with him.  Once you have your final follow up from your take-down, then maybe it would be better to find someone locally. 

I followed Dr. Dietz to UH in Cleveland and it has been very, VERY difficult to get any follow up from him/his nurse.  Since he is also transitioning (and I need to see him due a new issue), I cannot get any information or answers, which was not the case when he was at the Clinic.  I have an 8 hour drive and time off work, so I understand the need to plan like you mention.  

I am considering finding another surgeon locally, but I have already been turned down by a surgeon (he wouldn't consult with me and said I should go back to Dr. Dietz).  I trust and know Dr. Dietz so I am going to persist in getting follow up from him, but also pursue a local surgeon in case my symptoms worsen.   

I have called his office/nurse three times since he started at UH on August 28th and I am going to make another call today.  I'm sending positive 'vibes' your way that you get your surgery scheduled with Dr. Remzi as I know how you want to continue with what he started. 

Thank you, Kara! It is frustrating. Thankfully, I did persist with Dr. Remzi himself, texted him to tell him I was considering going local because of the scheduling difficulties and he responded immediately with a surgery date for me, on a Saturday no less! He seems to be really going the extra mile to accommodate his existing patients. I have two physicians in my immediate family and they both said the same thing as you, that I should stick with Dr. Remzi. So happy it looks like it's going to work out after all. Hope it does for you too and Dr. Dietz will get you taken care of (what is going ON with these CC docs???). Good luck! 

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