I was diagnosed in July with a polyposis syndrome when my GI found over 100 polyps in my colon. I am 38 and have been on a wild ride over the last couple months. Since my polyps tested positive for cancerous cells it was no question the colon and rectal had to be removed. I had my surgery on September 10 with the construction of my jpouch. I had a complication 4 days out with an extended pouch that had to be helped my an anul drainage tube. I still have some anul pressure and pain but each day is a little better than the day before. The anul pain has been a hiccup in the healing process. I met with my surgeon yesterday and he is setting a tentative take down surgery date for a couple days before thanksgiving next month. My question is I have a trip to Hawaii scheduled for December which will be 6 weeks post surgery. How am I going to be feeling at this stage? Am I going to be able to travel?
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