Hi I'm new to this group. I was diagnosed with UC in 2002 and took all kinds of prescriptions, then went years without treatment due to lack of insurance, then got back into treatment in 2017. By then the doctors couldn't decide if I had UC or Chron's. I've been on all kinds of biologics now, with no improvement. I've developed dysplasia all throughout my colon, all precancerous. After my last colonoscopy, my gastroenterologist decided that I need to have a 2 stage J pouch surgery. I've had my surgery consultation, and will have an ileostomy on Jan 7th.
I'm very scared. I'm scared of the surgery, the recovery, and the bags and probably the pouch later. I've been reading that leaks are very common and I should expect to have to get up a few times during the night. My surgeon says I'll need to drink electrolytes and take probiotics, but didn't get more specific. I'm worried about the cost of that, and wondering what other supplies I'll need post surgery.
I'd really appreciate any advice or reassurance you can offer. My family has been here for me, but there aren't any ostomates or people with pouches that I know, so I've been feeling pretty alone.