Ok, long story short. Takedown 2 years ago. Have been getting acid/butt burn. Went onto flagyl, worked a charm and fixed everything. Went off flagyl symptoms back. See sawed back and forth, diagnosed with chronic pouchitis. Our drugs are subsidised if they are on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). Ciprio is, but only for three conditions which I do not have. Not sure of the unsubsidised cost.
Why do I mention cost, well GI suggested rifaximin, an antibiotic that doesn't get absorbed. Also not on PBS. Went to Pharmacist, they have boxes of 50 at $560, yes over $10 a tablet. Went to compounding chemist who makes them up and they charge $75 for 30, I can live with that. So got 30 and the side effect, for me anyway, are bad. Two most noted, bloating and gut pain (also headaches and dizziness). I tick every box.
I'm guessing cipro might be in the idiotically expensive bracket? Question: anyone tried rifaximin for pouchities, any side effects and did it work?