Hi, Im currently 5 months on from my last (final) j pouch reversal surgery. In the last few weeks iv noticed my stomach seems to be always swollen and hard to touch. The last two days i have been getting very strong pains from under my rib cage and shooting downwards, and also seems too be even more swollen than before. Doctors where I live are not familiar with this operation and the only advice they give is to return to the hospital where I got the operation. But it is hours away and i dont have an appointment until the end of next month (tried to go to the emergency room last month as my doctor suggested and was told that i didnt count as an emergency and sent home with no help)
Can anyone tell me what this pain might be from? and if its normal? On a scale from 1 to 10 ( 10 being the pain from acute pancritas) i would give it an 7 ranging to an 8 at times. the pain seems to last about 5 minutes then stop and then again about 5 minutes later.
more info: female, 19, Ireland. UC, no problems with j pouch.
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