Hello everyone!
This is my first post on this page. A little about myself. I was diagnosed in high school in 2005 at the age of 15 with Ulcerative Colitis. At continuously suffered and had no true support from family since they didn’t understand and didn’t want to. Over the past 20 years I’ve been on multiple medications. Just last year around spring 2023, I noticed that the Entyvio I was on, my body I would assume became immune to it. At that point, we (my doctor and I), had exhausted all medical options. It was time for surgery in hopes of a better life.
On November 14, 2023, the first stage of J-Pouch began with the removal of my colon and a temporary ileostomy in place. The first day after surgery went okay. But the second day, I started having cold sweats and lots of pain in my stomach. That afternoon, I stood up with the help of a nurse and all I remember my last words being were, “I can’t see and I can’t hear”. I woke up and I was informed I had an emergency surgery. You see, what happened was, when the doctors were removing my colon, they nicked my small intestine with the burner tool they use for a clean cut (I don’t know what the tool is called 😒). It caused an infection, which then went into my blood system causing Sepsis. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks with multiple pain pills and antibiotics while I recovered enough for them to send me home. A little off topic but no one told me pain meds would cause vivid nightmares 😂.
This week I had my Fluoro Enema done and have the green light for the reversal on the 20th of this month. I’m so excited!! However, I have a few questions:
1. How long until I can start going to the gym again and lifting, running, etc?
2. I know that I’ll be on a soft diet for a bit and that I need to try foods slowly and small portions, but does anyone have success with Pepperoni or Salami? I’m a huge pepperoni and salami sandwich fan and same with pepperoni pizza.
3. Is a normal cheese/pepperoni pizza okay? Or do I have to limit the cheese and sauce and pepperoni?
4. Was anyone who suffered from UC or any other IBD for multiple years afraid to try foods because they still have the fear like they did with IBD? Because I do
Any tips anyone wants to point would be greatly appreciated! I’m looking forward to a better life, as 20 years of UC took a lot of chances from me (Coast Guard, Law Enforcement, 911 Operator).
Thank you for reading!