Hey, all; happy New Year!
I'll get right to it: I am not bouncing back from this last surgery as quickly/easily as I have before, and I'm looking for some help. I was 6-weeks post op on the 2nd (fistula repair & temp stoma). I am walking fine, but not quickly, and I am still out of breath upon doing more strenuous, but everyday, chores such as hauling/hanging laundry or cleaning floors.
In the past by this point I have been able to take on most of the dog-walking -- we have a large Lab/Rott mix -- up to one long walk and two shorter walks a day. Right now I am exhausted after one medium walk, and I can't get "up to speed". Today after hanging laundry I was out of breath -- please keep in mind I live in the Netherlands and haul the laundry up two steep, narrow flights of stairs to the attic so it's not entirely as pathetic as it initially sounds!
I have help with both the kids and housework, so I promise it's not that I've been pushing myself too quickly. I'm eating well and getting enough good sleep. I've been off work until just this past weekend, so it's not that. I don't know if it's just my body reacting to the sheer number of surgeries (this was #11) or if it's because I'm older (no smart-aleck cracks, please! ) or what. All I know is that by 6 weeks post-op I've been walking just fine and have been able to begin moderate Pilates and some mild weights. Not to mention doing the laundry without having to sit down and rest afterward! There's no way I'm at that point right now.
I'm continuing to walk, and walk, and walk. But are there any thoughts on getting my stamina back? I'm really growing quite frustrated with this situation!
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