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 When I was in college, my friend and I were at a sub shop.  I had severe colitis at the time, and my friend was aware of my potential emergency bathroom access needs.  I asked, "do you have a bathroom," response, "not a public bathroom," and my friend sternly said, "he didn't ask you if you had a public bathroom or not, he needs a bathroom NOW!" and that was successful.  

I was in Pennsylvania on business and met a guy with Crohn's disease, and we discussed urgency issues.  He told me there was a law in Pennsylvania, Restroom Access Act "Ally's Law," that a person carries a card and when a business is shown this, they must, under most circumstances, provide access to employee-only bathrooms.  

Not sure if this has been a topic before, but this is AWESOME!  It is a law in many states and, of course, it is valuable for our friends with any IBD, j-pouch or other intestinal issues.  This is not valid in NYS, but I plan to present this to my local representative.

More info:

Hope it helps!  Way to "GO" (!) Ally!   Read about Ally's story -- we can all relate!

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This is a great idea, and I believe that in Ontario there are currently some discussions underway to create similar washroom accessibility for Crohn's and UC patients. 

The only time I've really ever encountered a problem recently was having to wait in a very long customs line at Pearson airport.  I wasn't able to use the washroom on the plane when I wanted to, as it had been occupied for a long while, and then we started our descent.  It wasn't yet urgent, and I assumed I'd be able to use an airport washroom after we deplaned, so I wasn't too upset. Unfortunately, the terminal was under renovations and the washrooms were closed. I inquired for other locations and was directed to go straight to the customs line; I was told there were washrooms I could use at customs. What they didn't tell me was that I'd have to clear customs first, and I ended up standing for over 50 minutes in the customs line. My digestion was a little unsettled from travelling so it was agonizing and I was actually terrified I'd have an accident. I did finally clear customs and darted for the washroom (there was sign), but a very rude security guard detained me as that was apparently the area for declarations and I was told I couldn't leave, let alone access the washroom, until I'd been cleared to go back through by airport security.  

Finally another customs agent who recognized me from having just gone through at the counter waived me through and I was able to use the washroom. Obviously, it could have been a lot worse if I had actually been detained by security. 

Nobody has to explain to me the need for airport security, especially in this day and age, and nobody wants a scene at the airport. However, all the same,  having a government issued ID access card would have gone a long way to preventing a lot of that hassle and potential security misunderstanding, not to mention allowing me access to a washroom when I needed it.

Last edited by Spooky

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