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Hello everybody, I need your help. Could you please tell me some information about removing pouch? I need to remove it because of many inflammations to stay with my ileostomy and I'd like to know how does the surgery is like. If it is long, difficult, complicated or dangerous. Unfortunately my pouch always gave me problems and since I live so well with my ileostomy, I am not scared about removing pouch but just about the kind of surgery. 

Thank you so much

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I think my surgeon knows what she is up against.
She seems very confident.... And positive she does not want to leave it in as it may cause problems later in my life and I do agree with that.
But as I grow closer to the day I am getting anxious.
I wonder if I am doing the right thing.... On the surface I wonder. 
Deep down I know I have to do it.  And quit thinking about it.
It's been a bit more than two years since it was made and the three surgeries I had in that time are still a fresh memory.  So I know the drill and the pain that is coming.
It is a life changing operation.  I know I have to do it.  What I have now is not working.  I only hope when I get through all this I can finally get on with my life.  I am not living now.  Just existing day to day.  It controls me I don't control it.  If I get an ileostomy I only hope I can gain control.  Time will tell.

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