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Hi guys,
Just a quick blurb...I have been having a very heavy feeling in my pouch for a while, kind of like the pouch is never really empty, as if I am just sort of skimming off the top and never getting to what is accumulating in the pouch is rather funny in looks like a mini pair of lungs with 2 lobes built from the 2 loops of intestine used to create it...over the years the 1 of the loops or lobes has grown deeper and is on the afferent end (the side where the intestine leads into it) so that when I intubate it feels as if that side never really gets emptied completely. Today the tube when right into it and my pouch emptied for about 20 minutes (or it felt like it)...afterward I suddenly felt so much relief! It felt practically 'light' in there and a lot of the pain and pressure was gone (so was some stuff that I had eaten last week!)...anyway, it happens a every couple of weeks or months...I have to bend sideways (left) to be able to manipulate the tube into the other side but when it gets there I am thrilled.
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