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J-Pouch since 2005. I've been having a stubborn pain within the rectum. I can feel a lump/roughness just 1/2 in. on left hand side. I have tried proctofoam, diltiazem with no relief. Lidocaine Ointent is a temporary relief but my GI said not to use it. I have an appointment to inject a steroid in the area of the pain. Has anyone had this procedure done? Do you need to be sedated??
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Hi Jeane,I'm not sure why he said to lay off the lidocaine... I know it's the only med that helps relieves the pain for awhile. Did you ever find out what the bump is? Have you ever had a steroid injection? I'll be going in next week in his office for the injection without be sedated. Not sure how he can place the needle in the area of the lump without me hurting?? Sorry for so many questions but this issue has been a tough one. Thanks Again...
You are from CT too? Do you mind if I ask who your GI is? A few of us have lost ours and are looking for someone experienced w jpouches.

My GI did mention the shots, but my surgeon did not feel they were a good long term approach. Not sure if mine in a small internal skin tag or ulceration. Every time I have been scoped my GI is not concerned, but it can be very annoying and painful as you know.
Personally, I find rectal meds do nothing for inflammation in the anal canal. I do get some relieve at the anastomosis connection using these as this area tends to narrow when inflamed.
When the anal pain is unbearable and also when just plain uncomfortable at times I do hot soak baths, nifedipine cream and Licodaine and sometimes OTC cortisone creams.

Most often, although I hate to admit it, I grit my teeth and deal with it but it makes me a pretty unpleasant person to be around some days.
Report back your findings after procedure. Good luck. Hope it helps.

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