Hello everyone-
My name is Tommy and I am a 28 year old male. I had a total coloctomy with a j pouch (3 surgery process) about 13 years ago and have done pretty well other than a few bouts of pouchitis. In March this year I had a severe case of hemorrhoids that caused me to lose quite a bit of weight. Ever since I have been dealing with a lot of rectal pressure, some incontinence and leaking, and troubles keeping my weight up. Doctors have tried prednisone with me and cipro and they seemed to help while I was on them, but any time I go off them my symptoms seem to come back. I recently did a very slow taper off the meds (about 10 days ago when I stopped) and now my symptoms seem to be coming back. Symptoms seem to be a lot of rectal pressure, leaking, trouble passing stool completely, and the rectal pressure also has seemed to cause some pain in my testicles and down my legs. I am wondering if anyone has experience this or has any thoughts for me? I am desperate as this has been going on now for about 5-6 months. I need my life back! Thanks for any help!