Hey guys and gals just had a question because I had a procedure done under anesthesia about 3 weeks ago and still experiencing a hell of a lot of pain in the area where everything was sealed up. My surgeon has been treating an abscess that caused 3 fistulas to open up. Ive has stitches in and out the last three months to let them drain and the two healed up after the setons were removed but I guess the last one he needed to glue to get it to seal properly. I was just wondering if anyone else had the same procedure done and how long it took for the pain to fade away. Luckily I'm already seeing a pain management specialist for chronic rectal pain and I have meds to help but I would like to know that this will eventually go away and not become part of my future. I take bath, use a heating pad, and also take stool softeners so bowel movements are less straining and painful. Any suggestions. Thanks in advance.
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