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I’m back home after 8 days in the hospital, and laptroscopic surgery for a twisted bowel (a loop from my small intestines was strangling my pouch) and an internal hernia.

I’m very frustrated at my rate of recovery. I’ve been home a day or so and all I’ve done is sleep and lay down. I have a child and she wants me to play with her but it hurts to sit up. I’m not on pain medication other than Tylenol, and don’t feel I need more, but I really thought I’d bounce back quicker than this.

The doctor equated my recovery to getting my gallbladder out but that was a breeze compared to this. What, should I be doing, if anything to speed up my recovery.

Hydrating has been a challenge for me so I downloaded an app and tracked what I drank today. I’m only at 32 oz (it’s 7:30pm currently) and the app says my goal based on my weight should be 67 oz.

I’m going to the bathroom a ton- 19 times today alone. I don’t want to eat because it will make me go more.

All I wanted was to be home and now that I’m here I feel so out of the loop with the going’s on of my family- like they’re fine without me and I’m just existing so I can try and feel better. Taking it day by day, but also watching them do everything they normally do while I’m just here. Makes me teary typing this.

How do I feel better and get out of this funk! Pronto!

Last edited by Bubbapup
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Honestly, with everything you have been through- I would not be surprised if it takes you a month to heal fully.

Since your going 19x a day, you honestly need more water than 67oz per day. There is a article online that says to drink one cup of water with every loose bowel movement you have. Some people on here will obviously challenge that article but I truly believe in that article, its really helped me among other people.

Do you have a follow up appointment scheduled???

It’s funny you mention that- my husband just got a roasting chicken yesterday and made homemade chicken soup and boiled the bones in it.

I really am trying to drink more. I know I don’t want to end up back in the hospital for such a simple reason as I didn’t drink enough. I forgot to mention it to the doc when she called today. I was telling Lauren on my other post my doc checked in with me already this AM and said it may take 2-4 weeks to heal given my history of obstructions and previous surgeries. It just changes the dynamic of how things are in my abdomen and it heals slower each time. So, that was a little reassuring to hear from them that I should be ready to go to work by the end of this week.

@Bubbapup posted:

It’s funny you mention that- my husband just got a roasting chicken yesterday and made homemade chicken soup and boiled the bones in it.

I really am trying to drink more. I know I don’t want to end up back in the hospital for such a simple reason as I didn’t drink enough. I forgot to mention it to the doc when she called today. I was telling Lauren on my other post my doc checked in with me already this AM and said it may take 2-4 weeks to heal given my history of obstructions and previous surgeries. It just changes the dynamic of how things are in my abdomen and it heals slower each time. So, that was a little reassuring to hear from them that I should be ready to go to work by the end of this week.

Yeah I know what you mean. Drinking a cup of water with every loose bowel will help, here is a article

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