I’m back home after 8 days in the hospital, and laptroscopic surgery for a twisted bowel (a loop from my small intestines was strangling my pouch) and an internal hernia.
I’m very frustrated at my rate of recovery. I’ve been home a day or so and all I’ve done is sleep and lay down. I have a child and she wants me to play with her but it hurts to sit up. I’m not on pain medication other than Tylenol, and don’t feel I need more, but I really thought I’d bounce back quicker than this.
The doctor equated my recovery to getting my gallbladder out but that was a breeze compared to this. What, should I be doing, if anything to speed up my recovery.
Hydrating has been a challenge for me so I downloaded an app and tracked what I drank today. I’m only at 32 oz (it’s 7:30pm currently) and the app says my goal based on my weight should be 67 oz.
I’m going to the bathroom a ton- 19 times today alone. I don’t want to eat because it will make me go more.
All I wanted was to be home and now that I’m here I feel so out of the loop with the going’s on of my family- like they’re fine without me and I’m just existing so I can try and feel better. Taking it day by day, but also watching them do everything they normally do while I’m just here. Makes me teary typing this.
How do I feel better and get out of this funk! Pronto!