Hello- I am new to this discussion group, but I wanted to check in to get some feedback from others. I had my j-pouch created in Oct 2008 and the final take down in December 2008. Since then I seemed to get two to three cases of pouchitis a year. However, in the past 6mos I have had about 4-5 cases. The last one was so bad that it resulted in a partial small bowel obstruction. I am basically now on long-term Cipro and my insurance finally approved VSL#3
Since my surgery in 2008, I typically have had about 15 stools a day. I am on some new meds now and that number has dropped to about 10. How often are others going? My doctor seems to think this number is still too high and may be a result of chronic pouchitis. I would appreciate any thoughts or feedback. I have no one else to ask about this stuff! :P Thanks!
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