Hi guys, i had my takedown last Thursday (9th day today) I've had a few problems frequency is quite high and I have to strain to empty my pouch, almost feels like the uc days when I would strain and feel I needed to go to the toilet but nothing wanted to come out :/ a new more worrying problem is I'm getting blood in my stool and I think it's increasing slightly as time is going on, I used to pass blood when I had the temporary and loop ileostomys but every time the surgeon and doctors said everything looks ok, the last exam I had when the pouch had been created inside prior to takedown revealed inflammation in the pouch inch they put down as possible diversion colitis, but they were not sure at all, I'm really worried about this bleeding, is it normal? And my biggest worry is could it be chrons now? I've never had my small intestine checked, but the histology report on the large intestine said I had uc. If it were chrons would I feel otherwise well? I have a constant pain on the lower right hand hand of my abdomen, and a slight ache at the bottom of stomach, any help ideas or suggestions would be great, I've always feared after the pouch they'd say it's now chrons I don't think I can go through much more

Thanks in advance guys
Sally cxxx