(Or is there a different strategy that works better? I heard someone mention baby powder?)
(Or is there a different strategy that works better? I heard someone mention baby powder?)
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Nighttime is most important to keep yourself "covered" with ointment. There may be seepage you may not be aware of (or accidents, at least in the beginning) and that will wreak havoc on the skin. It's a drag to use all the time, but use it you must, at least the first few months.
My original ostomy nurse advised desitin which worked quite good, as well.
Best of luck with your take-down ....
calmeseptomine.. is nice if you want a nice soothing effect to the damaged area that already there.. but if you want to coat that area in protective wrap.... ilex it is!!!
yes and desitin is good for the same manner that calmeseptomine is.. except then you smell like baby diapers all the time.
...Been away a while, nice to be back :-)
Desitin can protect the skin from bile acids. For me, the problem with calmoseptine is, if my skin's raw--from acid and wiping, say--the mentholatum in the calmoseptine burns too.
Strategy #2: Nuke the acid before it becomes a problem
Fiber can neutralize bile acids before they come out, avoiding the dread "ring of fire" altogether. Some prefer benefiber, some prefer metamucil.
I'm too lazy to wipe ointment on every time I poop, so I take a teaspoon of metamucil once daily and use Vaseline as needed to keep my chapped hole nice and moist. I also have Desitin on hand, but haven't needed to use it yet.
Good luck!
So, I've tried two things tonight, both of which helped. The first was a suggestion from my surgeon. He said to get a liquid antacid, like Mylanta, and apply that gently. Works pretty well. I've also started using Bag Balm, which works great as a barrier. It's available at any farm supply or feed store.
Good luck!

I have tried them all, i even spent $200 for 240 grams of cholystramine, so not worth it as of yet. Aquafor is good, I personally did not like calmoseptine, vaseline is good and cheap in large jars and does not stain your underwear like zinc creams which are so messy. I also had good results with nystop powder but when you go alot it comes off fast. Corn starch may work, I was told to keep it dry not moist. We are all different and our j pouches are too.
Bidet is a double edged sword, if you are torn and bleeding like me, it can make things worse, I bought a sitz bath, warm water is soothing and the sitz bath is easier than filling my huge jacuzzi tub. I am experimenting after a year hiatus with a temp ostomy as to what not to eat. My j pouch is 30 years old. I am ready to call it quits and have it removed and get an osotmy, I was eating for the first time in 30 years almost everything right up to sleep, now I am incontinent at night, my sleep aid keeps me asleep through it all, I wake up a mess and it is frustrating.
I wish I could offer better advice to all of you. My heart goes out to each of you. I have lived this way since age 21 and that is over 40 years.
I Second ilex paste
I've tried them all and the only product which worked for was the ilex, instant relief and my skin totally healed witin 3 days of applying it.
My experience was for the treatment of red raw, broken, weeping and oozing skin around the Stoma of the loop ileostomy.
Since takedown, every so often I've used ilex to cure anal itching and a burning sensation.
Also, every so often I apply a pea size amount just to the inside of the sphincter to treat what I believe is an anal fissure.
Although, it does state on the ilex tube FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY
The trick is to know how much to apply.
If ilex applied to red raw and broken skin, then smear the ilex paste on heavily, yeah, it'll be a sticky and gloopy mess but your skin will be healing underneath and be protected; leave the paste on until it falls or breaks off, ilex does dry, but it dries kinda rubbery. No harm in applying more on top either.
If used to prevent butt burn, anal itching and burning or the beginning of a diaper rash, then spread a small pea size amount to the affected area, make a small amount go a long way, don't rub it into the skin, but spread it over the skin.
When applied in such a manner, it's best cleanse after each BM's using a non scented wet wipe.
When using a wet wipe, the moisture from the wet wipe helps with the application of the ilex paste, makes it easy to apply and spread without creating a sticky mess.
Ilex Ilex Ilex.................. it eliminated BB for me back in 2000 and have never had to use it since. Gave some to our daughter-in-law for our grandson who had terrible diaper rash..... it cleared that up totally in just a day. So, just get some and use only a pea size at night and in the morning.