Anyone eating raw oysters on the half shell. Are they okay to eat?
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I have no issues with them. Let me know where and when.. I’m ready for some
It’s certainly possible to pick up parasites from raw oysters, but the risk is about the same with or without a colon.
That would cause pain to the oysters, I would not recommend that
No issues here
As with any food I have not yet tried…
Mr/Mrs/Ms Pouch will let me know in 6-8 hours, or sometimes the next morning if he/she objects to the specific food item.
How about grilled oysters? These are grilled with bacon and cornbread crumbles:
WOW Barrister, looks delicious!
thank you!
Those oyster were all ordered while I was on vacation last week in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. They were very tasty! The raw oyster option did exist, and one restaurant I visited had an oyster bar with one employee dedicated to shucking and serving the oysters. But the grilled oysters all looked good and I went with those. Fried oysters were also on the menu as an option.