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once diagnosed by 1 doc. shingles/when seeing another doctor said does not look like shingles/maybe aftermath but looks the same. saw a surgeon for something different today. told him about it/said not shingles/not rash due to UC a rash it w/chron's. already been tested ruled out chron's even before rash. right now burning both arms,head,under bra area and both thighs and back. was aching so thought might be pouchitis. taking cipro but have taken it before with no side affects. still ache all over like flu. could skin condition be due to maybe dehydration? I feel like I am on fire. whatever it is I am not scratching but still seems to make white places (scars maybe) MISERABLE!!!!!
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How did they rule out Crohn's? I was not aware that was possible. They generally make a Crohn's diagnosis by ruling out everything else (then basically guess). You cannot rule it out with blood tests or imaging. Plus, even if it is off the table at one time, it could be a consideration again later as more evidence crops up.

That said, this does not sound like an IBD type thing. It sounds more neurological with the burning sensation, which again points to shingles. Blistering is a feature, but it tends to follow a nerve path. Here is a link with photos for you.

With dehydration you can get dry skin eczema, but a dermotologist should be able to figure that out pretty easily. Could even be eczematous dermatitis, which would possibly fit your description. Have you been referred to a dermatologist? I know this one well, because I get it with itchy blisters, dry skin patches, etc. for seemingly no reason. If what you have is not shingles, then this is more likely. Here are photos of eczema.

Jan Smiler
Have you checked out alergies?
I get an alergic reaction to certain foods...then I break out in a rash that essentially covers my whole body or huge parts of it (the sweat zones: behind the ears/neck, armpits, under the bra, behind the knees, thighs, elbows etc...crawls up my stomach and chest ...the particularity is that it doesn't go away with a dose of benadryl it just keeps burns and itches (no blisters) and sometimes disappears but at the least provocation (water, coffee..just about anything in my mouth) it just starts up again...This can last up to 6 alergist explained that once my body gets into the auto-immune-alergic-reaction mode that it just can't stop. It takes a huge amount of antihystamines to stop it and keep it at bay...And I have to wait for the reaction to cease...He said that there is no 'cure' but a maintenance program...he keeps me on 1 antihystamine/day to prevent it from starting. That works just fine.
You may need to go see an alergist and try to figure this out...They never found just 1 thing that I am alergic to but a whole panel (sulfides +) so it is a prevention thing now.
I did have blood work for
Chron's but since then I have had 2 surgeons they see no evidence of chron's when scoping. that is all I have to go by. I wander if I have been taking too much benedryl/dried out my skin along w/being dehydrated maybe but don't understand the pain. thought that would just cause breakout/itching.
I know you said you are taking Cipro for pouchitis. The first time I got pouchitis I had no stomach symptoms. I got this awful rash, looked like big red wheals on my shins, which spread to my thighs and then up. It was the itchiest thing I have ever had. I was so tired and achy I would drag myself into work and then have to open the drawers on my desk to prop my legs up on as lifting them up seemed to be the only thing that helped a little. They also felt like they were on fire all the time! I had no idea what was going on so my mom called the surgeon after about two weeks of confusion. My GP couldn't figure it out either. He prescribed me 500 mg cipro twice a day, the usual. It took about a week, but then it cleared up. Hopefully the cipro will kick in and your rash will go away. Sorry I can't be of more help, but I thought I'd share my strange pouchitis symptoms as they sound similar. Good luck.
thanks Nicole. I have had pouchitis a lot. I took flagyl but had side affects so now give cipro. I had heard of a rash related to UC /but person looked at it/said it didn't look like it. mentioned it to a surgeon/said the rash is for Chron's not UC. I started taking the cipro about a 1 1/2 wks b/c of symptoms of pouchitis w/one being aching like flu. thanks for telling me your experience. I had never heard about a rash as one symptom of pouchitis. It has only been 2yrs since rash appeared and I started having pouchitis not until 10yrs after surgery. Seems to feel worse (pain) when I am cold/stressed. Gets really frustrating for all we go through/seems every doctor gives us different answer for the same situation. 2yrs. ago diagnosed cuffitis/IBD/given canasa/pelvic floor therapy that didn't work for not emptying good (bowels) and more difficult urinating. I think the difficulty urine is when pouch is full. I have problems emptying middle of pouch/at the end. poop agram verified that but told not significant/quess b/c they are use to reading colon xrays. Still don't understand that when I do experience just that. I've had breakouts before but only itched and was told reaction to something. No duh! one time I knew it was from being in sun/antibiotic (don't do that anymore)but other couple of times no clue

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