I have been struggling with my pouch flares now for 8 months, initially we thought it was Pouchitis and used Antibiotics, Flagyl, Cipro etc. in an attempt to get me back into remission with no success, then after a Sigmoid we determined it was not Pouchitis, as pouch was looking good, biopsies clear.
Well,being left with few options my Doctor said lets try using Questran as it may be just irritation from bio acids, as one of my normal symptoms was Butt Burning.
Well I know I'm jumping the gun, but after a day I'm already feeling some relief and wonder if others have used it with some success??
All of my discomfort mildly put is in my Anus
only, beyond that things are good except Urges which I believe originate from the Anus.
Thanks Capt. Larry
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