Katerina, I'm unsure where you're at but I assume you currently have an end ileostomy and are due to have the J pouch and loop ileostony created on the 21 Sept.
I suggest you aquire ilex Protectant Paste; you may not actually need it but it's better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.
ilex is a paste which can be applied around the Stoma of the loop ileostomy to protect or heal the skin should leakage occured.
The ilex can be applied to relieve the discomfort caused by butt burn; butt burn can also occur after takedown as a result of Bowel Movements (BM's).
During my time with the end ileostomy, I never experienced sore or damaged skin around my Stoma; never needed ilex; in fact, never heard of it.
With the Temp Loop ileostomy, I endured leakage around my Stoma, resulting in painful skin damage, luckily, this was relieved within 2/3 days by the ilex paste.
I only became aware of ilex and its healing properties after my skin damage had already occured but I continued to apply it around my Stoma, as a precaution, till takedown.
ilex paste can also be applied to relieve and prevent butt burn but since my takedown, I've never actually had the more traditional diaper rash butt burn.
The rash occurs due to bile acid contact on the skin, frequent BM's and cleansing.n
On occasions I do endure anal fissures, which a tiny cuts in the skin around the anus, kinda like paper cuts; but fear not, ilex paste can also be applied to treat them.
When ilex Paste has been applied, it's best to cleanse by way of wet wipes rather than toilet paper.
To prevent further skin damage or irritation, use pure, none scented wet wipes.