So on the 14th of March this year I had the first surgery of the takedown. Ever since I've had the surgery I have felt like crap. I'm a 34 male and when I eat or just sit and watch tv I break out in sweat like menopause. I get hot for 10 or 15mins then I'm freezing cold. Around the ostomy I was having severe burning pain and surgeon told me that it's a skin reaction to the wafer but it's the safe wafer I used with my other illeostomy. Don't understand that either. My rectum area had to be reconstructed and I knew I'd have some pain there but I get more pain in my lower back then anywhere else. And now my hip joints hurt at night I can't sleep cause of the pain and the ostomy I have now is very very active about every 45mins gotta get up and empty it. I don't know what to do I feel completely wiped out I have no energy and I just feel like blah. Has anyone else had these problems. One more thing surgeon had me in his office and did a scope thinking fluid was building up in the j pouch and he said everything looked great. Now I gotta see my gi dr to get checked for gastronititis cause I get nauseas a lot since surgery. Any help is greatly appreciated. Wish I could feel good again
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