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Any wisdom on pushing it out on the toilet? It’s a habit I developed early on with the initial backups I had from adapting. Now, I think it might be affecting bladder and even erectile function. I feel like I’m always tense in the lower regions from the desperation to eliminate from muscling through it.

I find that when I’m sleeping, waking up and eliminating is easier than when I’m awake. I also wake up with serious wood that I can’t always rely on during sex  

Anyone else feeling like this?

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I'm female so this will only partially apply to you. I got my pouch 20 years ago and have never been able to empty well no matter how I push. The surgeon has never come up with an explanation for it. They had me do an enema, then insert a tube for stool to drain out through. This worked, but what an inconvenience! Finally an ENT nurse suggested I had a recticele. Being female, I can press inside my vagina to empty. It still sometimes takes considerable effort though. At bedtime I still do the enema so I can get completely empty for the night.  I was using a squirt battle for this until I realized I could use the sprayer I already had installed on the toilet.

I kinda go thru this periodically.

in the beginning , I was pushing so hard I re-aggravated an old inguinal hernia repair.

I also find that too much Imodium can cause too firm of a stool. I find that the consistency of pudding or porridge is just right and the pouch will drain fine.

I think my whole pelvic floor was messed up. The Gi did suggest pelvic floor therapy, but by the time I could clear the wait list, my pelvic function recovered enough that Mr Pouch empties fine most days.

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