Hi there, I had my Jpouch formed about two months ago as part of a planned two stage procedure. So currently I have a temporary Ileostomy and my JPouch is yet to be connected. While I was in hospital I developed an infection and ended up staying in for another week, during which time my pouch was drained of pus (of which it was quite full of), cleaned out and a drain was put in (via my anus). The infection seemed to clear up, my temperature dropped, my blood results all normalised, and the drain stopped draining pus.
Since being released from hospital (about two months ago), I've still been expelling a lot of pus from my Jpouch. I understand that its normal to have some discharge as the pouch still produces mucous, but this is more like watery puss and I'm draining about 80ml (I think that's just about 3rd of a cup) every day.
I saw my surgeon a few days ago showed him the output and discussed this with him. He agreed that it did look like pus and not quite a normal discharge, but says he hasn't seen this situation before and has no idea where the pus may be coming from. Since I'm not symptomatic and otherwise feel ok he's planning on carrying on with my treatment as planned, i.e. he is looking to complete my takedown after about 3 months from the first operation (in about a month).
I'm quite worried about my situation as the pus is already making me feel the urge to go to the toilet multiple times a day, and assume this could only get worse if I'm reconnected. I'm not particularly happy with the fact that he just doesn't know where the pus could be coming from. In my mind pus = some sort of problem or minor infection, so this should be rectified before the takedown operation is scheduled.
Has anyone got any similar experiences or ideas about this?
Thanks in advance, Chris.
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