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I've used psyllium daily since my surgery about 14 years ago. Variables include sugar content, flavor, and convenience. The capsules didn't work well for me, because they didn't mix adequately with the stool. The wafers had more calories than I liked, but I used them successfully for quite a while. These days I mix a half dose of sweetened smooth texture Metamucil with a half-dose of Konsyl original. That gives me as much sugar as I prefer to consume and an acceptable texture. Some people get gassy from psyllium powder.

Are you pretty sure you don't have pouchitis?

My wife and I were bemused by how mediocre tasting the wafers are. We took to calling them "nasty biscuits." By extension, we started calling the other forms "nasty capsules" and "nasty powder," even though the capsules aren't nasty at all, just useless for some of us. This wasn't really a term of disgust for us, we were just teasing the weak attempts at palatability.

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