My husband has a j-pouch since 2008. He was diagnosed with a second prostate cancer recurrence; his first one was 6 years ago and was treated with radiation at UCLA. A new tumor appeared on the opposite side, and has a current Gleason of 7 (4+3); the tumor appears to be localized. He has been suffering from urethra blockage as result of the first radiation treatment which caused scar tissue. Multiple opinions from LA doctors are in alignment to not operate to remove his prostate as he is plagued with scar tissue. He was placed on hormones for 6 months and his PSA dropped from 16 to 4.35. After a 3 month hiatus, it jumped up to 9. He is back on hormones now, but has been told that hormones stop working in most cases.
His long term options are either more high dose radiation (HDR) or the TULSA procedures. He already saw two doctors that said they would not do TULSA as it is too risky. HDR carries its own set of risks, so we are getting closer to getting into real trouble. Any suggestions, advice, or sharing of similar experience that could help guide us?
Thank you!