Hello All:
I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of prostate cancer. I have a J-Pouch.
I am 74 years old, have had my J-Pouch for almost two years, in good health and the pouch is working fine; bowel movements about 4 times a day and I can consume almost anything (except a double Johnny Black and water ) with out a problem. I exercise, play golf and am very active.
Because of my PSA Test (9.4) and a biopsy (two Gleason scores of 9) the urologist recommends I take action to stop and eliminate my aggressive form of cancer.
The urologist said I have two options; total removal of the prostate or radiation. Although total removal could cause less damage, either approach may damage the J-Pouch resulting in possible incontinence. This is a major concern for me and I am looking for alternatives.
I am going for follow up tests, bone and ct scans, this week and am scheduled to see an oncologist, after these tests are complete.
I am considering doing nothing and taking my chances.
I ask if anyone has experience with this type of issue I am confronting. I ask for advice.
Thank you