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Hello, Everybody! I'm new to this website. This is my first post. I had my reversal surgery on January 30th. This is a very embarrassing question to ask you guys. While I'm sleeping, I have no control. I'm defecating in my sleep. I've started doing kegel exercises. Any other suggestions to help get this situation under control at night? Thanks.

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This is just a 5-week-old pouch, so some adjustment is expected. That being said, there are some things that might help:

1) Stop eating around 4 hours before bedtime.

2) Try some soluble fiber (e.g. Metamucil or Konsyl) with dinner (and maybe with breakfast, too)

3) Try a *small* fatty meal (e.g. a spoonful of peanut butter) at bedtime.

4) Make sure to fully empty your pouch at bedtime.

5) Try Imodium or Lomotil at bedtime. Lomotil works a bit better for me, but it requires a prescription. 

Good luck!

Hello, you're pouch is pretty new so some inconsistency will be there for a few months. Do kegels everytime after you pass a bm. I used to squeeze my butt for few seconds and relax after every bm, I still practise it in morning and before bedtime. I can always get up before any leaks that way. Also I'd suggest not to eat a very high carb meal at bedtime.  I used to gorge upon chicken breasts, nut butters, eggs etc. Also last meal by 8 pm if ai sleep at 12. Metamucil helps bigtime to keep things tight .

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