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Hello Everyone.
I am fairly new here.
But I have a question.
Every night when I go to bed I have accidents.
I know it's due to everthing relaxing but this is getting very tiring.
During the day I am fine....I have some leakage but no blowouts.
Also during the day my guts are almost constantly grumbling.
I had my j pouch made in October of 2013. Laproscopicaly (spell).
But two weeks later I had to be cut open as I had a blockage because my
small intestine had a twist in it.
Two days after that I was in surgery again for bleeding.
Just my luck.
I have lost 46 pounds and I only weighed 175 to start.
But back to my original problem of accidents at night.
Does this ever go away to where a person can get some sleep?
Does anyone here have or have gone thru this?
I would appreciate any info.
Thank You.
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I am so sorry you are dealing with this! Sounds like you had a rough go around to begin with, too.

The adjustment period can take time, but it does generally get better the vast majority of the time.

Do you have any meds to help thicken things up? What are you eating? Immodium at night solved my problems, but others here have prescription meds which help. The right dosage of Metamucil (or something similar) can also make a HUGE difference.

I can also tell you that not eating within 2 to 3 hours of bedtime makes a HUGE difference for me, as well as "front-loading" the foods which make me a bit more runny -- meaning I try to eat the majority of my fruit & veg earlier in the day rather than later. Too much sugar and caffeine can also set the pouch off.

It is difficult, but hang in there; the adjustment does take time and is more difficult for some than for others.

Thank You.
Yea...I almost gave up towards the end of all this hospital stuff.
I was so sick.
I am alot better now but dealing with this problem.
I do take lomotil and a gel I mix up twice a day.
I tried metamucal but that made it worse during the day.
I quit eating at 6pm and go to bed at 11pm.
I do not eat anything unusual.
Hamburgs...rice....bananas....and such.
I do eat some sugary snacks but try not to eat too much of it.
Thats the problem.
I know most of the foods that will upset everything.
I am hoping that over time as the pouch stretches that it will help.
You might. Try Imodium instead of or in addition to the lomotil. Imodium is though to improve rectal sphincter tone.

Also, having a fatty snack before bed (like a slice of cheese) can help slow the gut. Sometimes not eating too long before retiring backfires, because the gut just churns upon itself. Worth a try.

But, yes, time is your best ally. It can take 6-12 months for nerve trauma to repair. So, if you can. Muster up some patience, that would be good.

Jan Smiler
Early on I just decided to be prepared every night. I used a plastic type underpants I bought through a medical supply company and had a hospital quality bed pad under me. Sleep was more important to me than having to deal with messy sheets AND messy me throughout the night. My effluent didn't smell and the underwear kept it all contained until I wanted to deal with it. My skin didn't suffer at all and my skin reacts to everything! Over 10 years have passed and it's been at least 8 or 9 years since I've had an "accident". I wake up once or twice a night because I need to use the toilet. I do so and go right back to sleep. I eat clear up until going to bed! Terrible habit! Best wishes on finding what works for you. It's out there!

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