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Ok... Here is my problem.
I know I need to be scoped to find out what may be wrong.
I am going to ask to be but in the meantime I thought I would ask if anyone else has ever had the problem. My problem is urges.
Only at night. As soon as I lay down I have urges to go. And sure as heck you cannot get any sleep when it goes on all night. I know there is something in there but when or if I try and force it out the muscle.... Whatever the name of it is.. Not the sphincter... The one above it... Just clamps down and stops everything or anything from coming out.
Last night for example. I was up about 5 times between 11-3 when finally at three I got enough to come out and the urges stopped so I could finally sleep for a few hours. But they started back up around six and I got up at eight and they continue for awhile when I get up but fade after half an hour or so. Once I am up the urges are more or less gone.
I was just in to see the surgeon who did a digital exam. She said all felt well. I know that means nothing now. I have no blood or any other problems. All else seems normal. I don't think I have cdiff or pouchitis . I think I would know. Do any of you or have any of you ever experienced urges as soon as you lay down to sleep.... Or just lay down?
Thank you in advance for your help.
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I still experience this every night. When I lay on my most comfortable side, my right side, the urges start. I get up and go, think I'm done, lay back down and the cycle starts. If I get up and make myself a cup of tea, I'm fine until I try to lay down. It's been said on here that laying on your right side stimulates the pouch. For me it's any kind of laying down. I have cuffitis now (I'm ignoring it as I'm having my pouch removed this Friday) so I feel the urge even if I sleep sitting in my recliner; the pressure of the seat against my rectum starts things. Maybe SIBO even you have no pouchitis or cuffitis?
Your problem possibly could be solved by taking an anti-spasmodic like bentyl or levsin. I have been on this board for almost 7 years now and posters are very regularly not aware of peristalsis issues that can happen after colon surgery. Why it's happening at night I am not sure, but that's what it sounds like and I would speak to your Doc and request an anti-spasmodic before scheduling a possibly unnecessary scope. However, if that does not resolve the issue, I would also suspect pouchitis.
I think I suggested this to you already Mysticobra, but will do it again : try using a catheter to thoroughly empty the pouch.
I had symptoms similar to yours which got much better since I use the catheter. Hence I attributed the symptoms simply to the pouch emptying only small amounts at a time (without the catheter) instead of completely (with the catheter).
Have you tried it yet (I read your surgeon finally gave you her approval) ?
I quit taking lomotal cause it was making it too difficult to use the bathroom. But now everything is difficult to get out.
Seems I have to push too much.
I am going to start a anti-spasmatic tonite... Monday. I was prescribed it today. As for the catheter I have not heard back from my Dr yet to double check if it was OK.
P S.... I wish you the best on Friday. I want to keep mine. I know I can get it working properly. It has.... So I know it will.
I try and think positive.
I am very superstitious when it comes to this.
Because everytime I remember saying something works it stops working.
So. All I am gonna say is I got my script and slept all nite.
I want to thank you for suggesting it.
Thank... You.... Thank.... You... Thank you!
I was at my wits end and Monday was the worst day I had in several months
Let's see how today goes.
Why is it when it's going good and you say it is to someone it all falls apart? Just weird. I bet it has happened 4 times to me.
Urges are suppressed by the drug but now I have pain from sitting. I drive a forklift at work and the bending at the gut all day is painful. In fact I am swollen in the stomach area. From one problem to another.
May go away with time. We will see.
I am just glad urges are 95 percent gone. I can sleep.

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