Is the jury still out on whether or not probiotics are a good treatment for SIBO? Is it individual? can they unwittingly feed the bad bacteria? are they good for maintenance but not for knockout? I have more questions then answers. Recently I have wondered if treatment with a broad spectrum antibiotic that was prescribed for oral surgeries may have actually brought on a flare of irritable pouch, maybe SIBO?? Has anyone else thought treatment for something other than gut issues with a broad spectrum antibiotic may have substantially contributed to wiping out good and bad bacteria in the pouch with the result being that the bad guys came back with a vengeance and over ran the good guys?? If so, can a low carb/low sugar diet plus probiotics (alone)restore a healthy environment in the gut? I know these are all questions I will need to discuss with my GI doc and possibly at a Mayo consult but it is always helpful to get thoughts and personal opinion from all of you. Many of you are great sleuths and scientists!!
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