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I want to apologize to anyone I might have steered in the wrong direction about taking VSL#3DS with antibiotics.

I thought I read somewhere to take probiotics 3-4 hours in-between antibiotics. That's what I've done in the past as I thought that's what I read. I was WRONG. Jan questioned me about it before, as well as some of you others.

I decided to read the package insert for VSL#3DS today before mixing it in my fruit smoothie. Under "Drug Interactions" it reads as follows:

Avoid taking with antibiotics. Some antibiotics may inactivate certain strains of bacterium in VSL#3DS.

I'm having serious doubts about eating Greek Yogurt as well.

I'm sorry and it's probably contributed to me needing antibiotics longer than would have been necessary in the past.

I hope none of you are upset with me. I have brain fog at times and this proves it.
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Hi TE,
Don't sweat it too in France they automatically give you a prescription for Brewer's Yeast with every antibiotic script and pretty much, any doctor who has had a bit of paralelle medicine training, gives you a script for probiotics and tells you to take at least one probiotic yoghurt a day while on antibiotics...Different countries, different protocols but they all basically tell you that you need the good bacteria to prevent bad bacterial over-run from happening...
I always buy the brewer's yeast, those mini bottles of probiotic yoghurt drink, other reinforced yoghurts etc...I tended to get yeast infections every time they put me on antibiotics until I did that.
I'm taking Flagyl for c-diff. I wasn't sure if I had it again or not but one day on antibiotics everything is much better. I took my probiotic every other time I took Flagyl too. It took a month of Flagyl to get rid of my c-diff the last time so I re-read the VSL#3DS insert. Jan Dollar said something in a post not too long ago about not taking it with antibiotics.

People that are constantly on antibiotics are a different story. I guess you need to take them. Your doctors know much more than I do.

I am mad at myself for not realizing I had the c-diff back. I asked my doctor for the Flagyl prescription as I'm on vacation, so I didn't take a test to prove it. It's worked so fast and I've never had pouchitis before so it must be c-diff. I have been stewing for weeks about this as it's just gotten worse. They all have such similar symptoms, grr. So I'm treating both cuffitis and c-diff and feeling better.
I'm just a little bit confused - it sounds like the antibiotics could inactivate some of the VSL strains, which would at most mean it could make taking the VSL while on antibiotics pointless; but - it doesn't work the other way around, does it?

I mean, can the VSL, if taken away from the antibiotics, inactivate the antibiotics? I would think not, but now am not sure ...
I'm making too big a deal out of this! After further research in a c-diff support group and other sites like Livestrong etc. I put the VSL #3DS in my Greek yogurt and ate it 4 hours after taking the Flagyl. Then I read the Strands of Bacteria in VSL and the yogurt and neither had the one Jan's researched above. I also took Imodium.

Thanks everyone. I know c-diff is something coloned people get too as I had it back before my surgeries. I know it's not pouchitis because I have the Alien trying to claw it's self out of my belly and diarrhea every time I stand up The same problems I had before. I can not tell if I have cuffitis too as I had them together before.

Thanks everyone!
That was an interesting article posted by Jan. In addition to information about medical applications of S. boulardii, it also provides good advice on buying probiotics in general (look under "Guidelines for Choosing Probiotics"). Perhaps unsurprisingly, many products don't contain what they claim on the label.

It was also interesting to learn that typical therapeutic doses are in the range of 100 billion (stated in section "Properties of S. boulardii").

I may have to grab me some Florastor. Thanks Jan.
100 billion, I just purchased it in 5 billion doses. I guess I'll be taking more than one a day! The bottle says 1-2 a day. I'm still taking my VSL#3DS too.

I slept almost 12 hours, waking up to use the restroom of course and drink water plus take medications. It's been forever since I slept that much. Flagyl was really making me feel lousy but not today. Things are finally getting better.

It is hard to tell what's going on jeane, that's why I didn't realize it for at least a month. I was feeling so lousy I was discussing ditching my pouch! I was treating cuffitis and things were getting worse, that's how I can tell. I get them at the same time. Who knows I could have pouchitis, Flagyl is good for both. It's a nasty antibiotic.
Gee, from what I was reading, it looked like there were doses ranging from 1 to 20 billion per day. Not sure where the 100 billion came from (that would be 10 to the 12th power). But, it is a big article, so it might have been in there and I didn't see it. But, specifically for recurrent C. difficile, it looked like the studies used 5-20 billion.

Marie, glad you are feeling better. I guess I am one of the lucky few and Flagyl does not make me feel funky, just that funky taste in my mouth (glass of wine, and I don't care!). But, I don't take it very often.

Jan Smiler
I know there are lots of probiotics out there to choose from, but I'll put these out there: iflora has 32 billion cells per serving with 16 strains of probiotics; also, multidophilus-12 (solaray) has 20 billion cells/12 strains. S. boulardii is not in either, but can be obtained separately. (Been researching as my VSL is no longer covered by ins.)
The only probiotic some insurance companies cover is VSL#3DS. I checked with my insurance company before I started taking it. It has to be the DS with 900 billion vs VSL#3 that has 450 billion.

It doesn't have the probiotic in it that Jan is referring to so I bought it from for $14, 90 - 5 billion capsules. SO I am taking 2 a day. Thanks everyone for confirming the dosage.
I am a bit late to this post, but while taking antibiotics you should take Florastor, (s. boudarii) it is a probiotic but a good yeast where as VSL is good bacteria. That is why it is not in VSL. The yeast doesn't get destroyed whilst on antibiotic. I give florastor and make the switch back to VSL after my antibiotics are gone. Then I hit it hard with the VSL we do 400+ billion a day which is 1 regular sachet of VSL for two weeks and then titrate to 200+ billion. Hope this helps. The VSL (reg strength) is covered by our secondary insurance.

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