PSC can be a disease that you will have in the background) for a long time as I have ! Do find a good PSC liver specialist, not a General Dr., and stick with them even if you must travel for appts to find one. It will be a good thing to have them at your side when your PSC does become more of an issue in your life..
I was diagnosed with PSC through very high alko liver numbers and the UC shortly after over 20 years ago. 11 years with a j-pouch. I'm doing very well but still pre-transplant.
Two years ago this Fall I headed to the hospital for what we thought was a cholangitis liver attack, but turnout to be a gallbladder attack. I had the gallbaldder out by my (future) liver transplant team as they wanted to make sure the bile ducts connected to the gallbladder were preserved with an eye toward transplant.. If I had had to have emergency surgergy by a general surgeon not familiar with Liver transplant issues, I could have unknowingly risked a result that made me not suitable for transplant! I would never have thought of that!
Since I have had my gallbladder removed, I have gone two years with no cholangitis liver attacks. So we think some of the preceding liver attacks were probably aggreviated by my failling gallbladder- it was/ is difficult to know.
20 years out, my liver is in good shape but my bile ducts are not! When the bile ducts are clear I do very well!
I know it takes awhile to wrap your head around a liver disease that may mean a liver transplant someday, but my j-pouch has had more of an impact on my day to day life than my PSC.
Good luck to you.