This is the first time I have had this, since closure. I did not have IFB or Crohn's. I did not have IBD. It started as a small red "pimple looking" thing that was just annoying, I used calmoseptine and nitroglycerin salve on got bigger (alot bigger) and, after hot soaks in epsom salts, started to drain (blood and clear fluid) Now, my face is swollen, I have two "bumps" (like spider bites) on my thighs and a slight fever surgeon is 5 hours away and I have no car air conditioning, but I will go if someone tells me they know what it is and I local doc is Medicaid-only and does not examine me "like that" (ie he has never even seen my stomach scars or j pouch AND DOES NOT WISH TO--he is Pakistani--no, I am not racist or sexist- and worked at a VA--all men---for 25 I cannot get another family doc...I am female) Please help-....thanks
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