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Okay I think I just need someone to tell me I'm crazy. I would really like to have another baby. I have a six year old son and 2 year old daughter. Both were post surgeries. My biggest concern is that almost two years ago I was diagnosed with osteopenia. If I have another pregnancy I will have to take lovenox injections due to my clotting disorder and that could definitely worsen my osteopenia. I am due for another Dexa scan in Dec/Jan so I will know more about my bone issue then. I just didn't know if anyone here has had similar issues or knows of anyone who has. Thanks!
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No, you are not crazy...just a mother.
I cannot say anything about the rest but I can say that there are also alternative, homeopathic methods to help with the osteopenia that require no meds...probably less effecive but they do help.
There have been a lot of studies on bone loss and exercise...what they have shown is that weight bearing exercises help build bone (lifting light weights, climbing stars while holding weight in your hands or in a back pack or weight belt), so does do not need to bounce like a 6 yr old..just light movements (on a large yoga ball while sitting on it) or up and down on your toes, and vibrating on one of those vibrating plates or machines (not the funky 1950's belts)that help the body muscle up.
Most of the exercises were developed for NASA because the astronauts lose a lot of bone mass in 0 gravity and require short, intense exercise to maintain it. All of those exercises have been tested and approved.
Obviously Vit D through mild sunshine helps too and certain trace minerals in dried fruits and nuts.
Good luck with your baby project...
No, you are not crazy! Personally, I don't think the risk of worsening your osteopenia with Lovenox is high enough to either avoid pregnancy or the anticoagulant. Talk this over with your OB/GYN (which I assume is high risk, based on your history). I think there is a way to carry this off AND retain your sanity!

Jan Smiler

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