Hi all! Quick question about pregnancy I was hoping I could get your input on. I recently had my reversal (March 7th) and things are going great so far *knock on wood*..much better than the nightmare I prepared myself for after reading so many horror stories. Anyway- although I am not in a HUGE hurry to get my pregnant, it is something my husband and I would like to do in the future. My question is, how long were you told to wait after your reversal to try getting pregnant? All of the posts I had read leading up to the reversal seemed to say 6 months or so, however, my surgeon said two weeks out from the surgery we were safe to start trying? Don't get me wrong, my surgeon is an amazing surgeon for the j-pouch and is known far and wide for his expertise so I trust his advice, just looking for some input from fellow j-pouchers as well! Thanks 

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