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Hi All -  I am 12 weeks pregnant and on Remicade. After my J-Pouch surgery, I ended up with a few complications including two rectal- vaginal fistulas and cuffitis. Even after 2 surgeries, I am still on medication to help with the inflammation from the cuffitis, which is pretty much like a UC/Crohns flare. Who knew a 1 cm of diseased tissue could cause so much havoc.

I have a few questions for those who went through or are currently taking Remicade and pregnant.

1) Did you stop the infusions at a specific gestational period or did you go straight through your entire pregnancy? My GI recommended that I stop at 30 weeks as it supposed to cross the placenta at the point. Does anyone know when it actually passes through the placenta - is it much earlier than 3rd trimester?

2) If you stopped mid-way through your pregnancy, how long afterwards did your symptoms start back up again? Or did they subside due to your overactive immune system preparing for baby? I've always heard that pregnancy causes natural remission of UC/Crohns.

3) Did you breastfeed while on Remicade? This is important to me. I'd really like to breastfeed but have heard that it passes through the breast milk?

4) If you did any of the above with Remicade, was the baby at higher risk for infection? I read that you can't vaccinate until at least 6 months because baby's immune system is compromised.

Ultimately, I just want to make the right decision for me and the baby, I  want him to be the healthiest, happiest baby possible. I feel like my OB and GI don't always have enough knowledge to provide all the answers and best people to ask are patients themselves. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 


Last edited by koolfsuchic
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Never gone through this myself but I have a friend who has. She doesn't have a jpouch but she's had two healthy babies while on Remicade. I believe she has stopped in the last trimester. She has participated in the PIANO study which my Dr here at UCSF oversees. And each baby was breastfed and if I recall correctly there were minimal traces of Remicade if any. Message me and I will try to get you in touch with her. Ive introduced her to another friend who is on Remicade and trying to decide what to do. And yes from what ive heard many but not all patients go into remission during pregnancy. I think its hormonal. but the flip side of that is that some also have horrid flares after birth. Good luck!

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