Hi All - I am 12 weeks pregnant and on Remicade. After my J-Pouch surgery, I ended up with a few complications including two rectal- vaginal fistulas and cuffitis. Even after 2 surgeries, I am still on medication to help with the inflammation from the cuffitis, which is pretty much like a UC/Crohns flare. Who knew a 1 cm of diseased tissue could cause so much havoc. I have a few questions for those who went through or are currently taking Remicade and pregnant. 1) Did you stop the infusions at a specific gestational period or did you go straight through your entire pregnancy? My GI recommended that I stop at 30 weeks as it supposed to cross the placenta at the point. Does anyone know when it actually passes through the placenta - is it much earlier than 3rd trimester? |
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