Hello all! I was 8 weeks pregnant with my first daughter * now 3

* When I had to have my emergency colectomy done due to UC resulting in Toxic Mega Colon in which I became septic. I had an ileostomy for 17 months; next J-Pouch was created then the take down following a few months later. I am now 30 week pregnant with my second daughter

and much healthier this go around. Although lately I have been feeling immense pressure in my rectum & my BM's have increased to every time I urinate. Is this normal? She is 3lbs so I’m sure that has put a strain on my pouch but has anyone else had this issue? Also, due to the amount scar tissue from the prior 4 surgeries my OB is a little nervous for the C-Section I will undergo at 38 weeks. I am a little worried that if my body naturally goes into labor that I will tear my pouch or my rectum for that matter. We are trying to avoid that at all cost's hence the early delivery. I just want to know if anyone else has ever gone through this. I have yet to meet anyone who has even had this surgery. I feel a little alienated :/.