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Hi all... I am new. I had j pouch procedure at Mt Sinai in NYC on 10/10/11. I am thrilled with life after j pouch. MUCH better than life with UC.

A concern, even though I had no choice but surgery, was always pregnancy post surgery. I have a 2 year old and we got pregnant very very easily with him. We have been trying to conceive for 5 months and I am just so nervous that the surgeries I had are interfering with us getting pregnant...would love to hear some stories of anyone in similar situations!
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If you search the forums on here, you will find a ton of information that you are looking for. You can enter a search word/phrase like "pregnant", "pregnancy", "trying to conceive" and you should get a good number of results.

You will find a lot of stories about women that have had success with IVF due to the fact that they were unable to conceive naturally due to scar tissue or other issues. However, there are also many stories on here about women getting pregnant right away or when they weren't even trying.

Don't get discouraged based on what you read here. It's a site for support so it may seem like majority of women are having a hard time conceiving, but statistically, that is probably not the case.

Personally, we were blessed to get pregnant our first time trying just 6 months after takedown. It actually took 5-6 months for me to get pregnant pre-pouch when my health was great.

Best of luck to you :-)

After 6 months of trying with no success, it is suggested to see a specialist to check for scar tissue/blocked tubes especially. That is something that can be determined pretty easily.
There is a test for blocked tubes called HSG - they inject dye into your uterus and then take an xray to see if the dye flows through the tubes.

This test, along with a full panel of labs, is usually the first step in assessing if there is a fertility issue.

I ended up with IVF, even though my tubes and hormone levels were clear. There is no test for scar tissue, but it was assumed that that is what was preventing me from conceiving. Once we moved to IVF we were successful three times (first try all three times) but I miscarried the second pregnancy. I now have a 7 year old and 4 1/2 year old.
THank you for your comment. I was very very happy with Mt. Sinai.
On another note, what was your experience with concieving post J pouch? As I said I have a 2 year old (pre j pouch) and conceived within 2 months. It has now been 6 months with no luck trying to have another. I am convinced it has somehthing to do with the 2 surgeries I had. Of course I do not know this to be a fact. I made an appt with my OBGYN to discuss next week. I want to be proactive and not reactive. If there is scar tissue/adhesions from surgery and there is a way for them to find that out and/or a blocked tube I want to get whatever tests done. I have been using the ovulation kits also. I'm getting bummed out and I know that is the wrong thing to do Frowner
It has been an year and a half since my take down and recently found out i am pregant. It did take 9 months, so is was frustrating.

We were about to go have test done when we finally did get pregant.

This is our second; I got pregant with my first pre-surgeries in the first month we tried.

My advise. Dont wait to long; do what feels right for you guys. Good Luck! sound just lie me! It has been a little less than a year and a 1/2 since my takedown. Also, I got pregnany with my fist pre surgeries in the first month we tried so that makes this last 6 months frustrating. I have an appt 2/7 with my OBGYN for my annual exam and to discuss. I want to be proactive if there happens to be any issues from the surgery. Surgeon always told me that it could possibly just take longer so I am hoping that the only thing!
Hi there,
I am in desperate need of some opinions on my situation.

I am supposed to get IVF next week BUT now my doctor at the hospital now recommends me to wait at least 6 months.
The reason:
I had my takedown last January after a lot of complications. In total 8 operations. 5 between September 2011 - October 2011. FINALLY everything went smooth January 2012. Then by the end of November 2012, I had obstruction and went to have a dilation. Fine again, until February = obstruction again = dilation again. Then 2 weeks later = acute obstruction = dilation. Now I have just finished taking cipro because of diarrhea, but it's still not working really good. I go to the bathroom 5 times at night, but I work, eat, my life.

My thoughts/logic: the doctors tell me, that there will always be a risk of fallback/I can never be certain - so why wait?
The doctor (the one I spoke with so far is a medicin): there have just been to much trouble lately - wait for a longer period without problems.

Your thoughts please ???
PS: recent update:
I spoke with the surgeon today, he knows my history just as well as the medicines. He said:

'I wouldn't be that worried. I am not God, though I sometimes would like to be, but based on my 25 years of experience I would say: go for it!'

So my partner and I decided to wait another month to let my body restitute, and then go for it.
Here's my two cents based on your situation. I believe if you are feeling well, then why wait for something to go wrong. Take advantage of feeling well and hope for a healthy 9 months! However, if you are still dealing with a lot of meds and problems and feeling horrible, pregnancy is probably not something you want to jump into. You might have a totally wonderful, easy pregnancy, but a tough pregnancy can be really challenging even on the healthiest of people. If you are dealing with a ton of health issues already, you will likely be dealing with them in some form during the pregnancy(right?), plus the added issues that come along with pregnancy. If you are normally using the bathroom 5 times at night, it might actually get better in the first trimester with the hormone surge, but you could be looking at 10 times during the night in your 3rd trimester (just as a comparison). Frequency really picks up near the end so be prepared for that and you cannot necessarily take all the bowel slowers that you are using now. There really aren't any "approved" ones, but likely some safe ones. Your list of approved/safe antibiotics will also go down so be prepared to give up Cipro. I totally get that you want to get moving on this...I was very much in your same boat except with different problems. As soon as my chronic pouchitis was under control, we went for it right away. You never know how long you will feel well, and I'm very glad I did. I felt great most of my pregnancy and much better than I feel these days (due to antibiotics just not working as well anymore). I'm glad I took advantage of being healthy and feeling well. On the flip side, I can't imagine being pregnant now or ever doing it again. Sorry, that was long...just want you to be ready in case you have a long battle ahead of you. You will survive and be awarded a wonderful prize in the end :-)
Hello Katie! I have similar concerns....between my surgeries my right ovary and tube was disconnected. And I also have lots of scar tissue around the ovaries. I was told that it will be difficult to have children, but not impossible; Some of the reasoning is because of the internal damage from the surgeries but also because I stress out so easily, and because of that I will more than likely be on bed rest the majority of the pregnancy, and have to have a c-section. My husband and I have been trying for 2 years now, with only one success that ended with a miscarriage at 6 husband and i really want kids! I hope you have better luck than I have!

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