I am 1.5 years out of my surgeries and genernally doing well. A few weeks ago I got an really bad gastric bugs and spent a few days with my head in the toliet! around the same time i found out i was pregnant. But in the past week or so i have had an big increase in BMs. From a normal 6-8 a day to about 12 a day an a couple at night. It is also more liquidy than my normal. I have recently starting taking probiotics again to help. I am hesatient to take lomotil or anything like that because of the pregancy. Does anyone have any suggestions or advise on what i should do or if this is normal during early pregancy? I did have one child before the surgeries but that was a whole different ball game. Plus my understanding is that your intestinal motility slows in pregancy to enhance absorption for the fetus.
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