Last week I posted about a swollen spot that I suspected was hemmhroid or something more serious. The swollen spot has disappeared so obviously a hemmhroid. I did see GI for DRE and was also scheduled for flex syg. I have a flex syg tomorrow and have had overwhelming anxiety over it. Not due to actual test but due to what could be found. I have had jpouch for 9 years (UC) though have not been diligent with flex Sygs. In March of 2012 I had a perforation that required emergency surgery. The colorectal surgeon said the pouch looked great (exact word was pristine). The perforation was caused by twisting. Over the past 9 years I have had frequency, urgency and loose stools. Not uncommon and Not necessarily enough to warrant medical intervention.
Last August I had a capsule endoscopy and it looked great, no visible issues.
My concern is the threads about rectal cuff cancer. I guess I didn't realize that this could be an issue and to be honest I can't seem to determine the likelihood or risk. I know my anxiety is self induced (Internet research for silly cat videos = good, Internet research for medical information = bad).
Any words of wisdom? I am driving myself crazy with anxiety.
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