Hi, all.
I haven't been on the forum in quite some time as I had my J-Pouch in 2007 and things have been going as well as could be expected for the past 15 years or so. However, recently I've been experiencing nighttime incontinence and my new GI (I moved recently) wants to do a pouchoscopy, which is something that I've never had done before because my surgeon told me never to have one done. He didn't even want anyone doing a prostate exam.
My new GI thinks that is strange and says that pouchoscopy exams are routine and that he wants to do one before considering anything else such as prescribing antibiotics for pouchitis. He says that he would use a small endoscopy instrument. Even though he says there is nothing to worry about, I am quite sure that if and when I show up at the endoscopy center, I will still be asked to sign an acknowledgement form stating that something could go wrong and absolving the physician and the center of any liability.
My surgeon has long since retired and so I have come here to ask what your experience has been. After 15 years, I am sort of out of the loop as to what has been going on with relation to J pouches. Is a pouchoscopy procedure as routine as my new GI says it is? Am I really over-thinking this?
I appreciate any and all responses. Thank you.